Why You Should Consider Natural Skincare Products in 2023

For those considering a switch to new skincare products, the decision can be overwhelming. At The RYT Skincare, we understand why that decision is so hard. But above all, one of our main missions is to help you to achieve your skin goals--and that may mean you switch things in your current routine to inspire noticeable changes for healthy, beautiful skin.

In this blog, we will provide six reasons why you might find it difficult to buy new skincare products as well as the three ways to overcome those difficulties and consider adopting the right (or the RYT) products!

From evaluating other products for effectiveness before committing long-term to deciding if the purchased items best fit your individual needs, we want to give you a better idea with a few key strategies that will help you transition with ease.


6 Reasons Why You Might Fear Switching Your Skincare Products

Fear of Worsening Your Skin

It’s understandable why some individuals may be hesitant to switch skin care products; there's a risk of potentially causing more harm, worsening the condition of one's skin. People take great pride in carefully curating their skincare routine, investing time and money into cultivating that perfect balance for healthy, glowing skin. It can be daunting if not downright anxiety-inducing when considering switching out certain products--perhaps especially for those with sensitive or easily-irritated complexions who may require extra caution when making changes to ensure no adverse reactions occur.

Fear that Your Skin Will React Poorly

Changing products can be a daunting task, especially for those of us with already-sensitive skin or other existing conditions like eczema and rosacea. The fear of experiencing unwanted skin changes, such as redness, breakouts, irritation, or even an allergic reaction, is real—and it’s enough to make many people stay loyal to the same brand they know rather than testing out new ones that may ultimately give them better results. Nonetheless, despite this understandable hesitation towards trying something unfamiliar in terms of our most personal skincare regimen, we should remember that there are many efficacious options available… We just have to take the leap! If you are still concerned, it might be a good idea to patch test the new product before using it on a larger area of your skin.


Fear of Lost Progress

People can often be hesitant to change up their skincare routine due to the anxiety of losing out on any progress that they have made. Many individuals become particularly worried when it comes time for them to change products, especially if they've already used a particular one over several months or years - and even more so if those products had helped improve their acne or other skin conditions. Fear not though; with some research and patience, you just might find something better!


Fear of the Cost

Investing in a new skincare product can be daunting, especially with the higher cost of high-quality products. If someone has found an effective regimen that works for them, they may be hesitant to switch due to not only the expense but also the fear of it not being as successful. With skincare costs ever on the rise, it's easy to see why many individuals can find making a change difficult. Quality products often come with hefty price tags and investing in new items could be daunting. Furthermore, if someone has already found their perfect routine, they may not want to swap out for a new product that might cost even more money.


Fear of the Unknown

One of the main reasons why transitioning between skincare products can be daunting is due to apprehension about the unfamiliar. It's only natural that when using something for a long time, people may become accustomed to it and develop an emotional bond with their usual product or routine. When contemplating altering these habits, this could feel intimidating and uncomfortable as it requires embracing new things outside one’s comfort zone.

Fear of Cultural Pressures

Not only can the process of swapping skincare products be difficult, but also society and culture may play a role. Oftentimes, certain skin tones or genders are targeted for specific types of products - this pressure to conform to these expectations can make it harder for individuals to switch up their skincare routine. Furthermore, there is an unfortunate stigma surrounding those who have a skincare routine; with the idea that if you have “perfect” skin then using even a small amount of product would seem vain, causing many people to feel self-conscious about embracing different items in order to get better results.


3 Ways to Overcome Your Fears Around Switching Skincare Products

Changing skincare products can be a stressful and trying choice for many people. Although there are several reasons why individuals might bring up resistance to swapping their usual items, there exist strategies that will help make the transition simpler while easing any apprehensions they may have.

There are a few strategies that can help to allay your fears about switching and make it easier for you to switch to a new skincare product or brand.

Research New Products

To ensure a good outcome when changing skincare products, an informed decision is needed. Reading reviews, researching the active ingredients carefully, talking with family and friends who have used the product successfully, as well as consulting professional dermatologists or other skincare experts can provide ample information for making that wise choice. By gathering all relevant data possible about a new product beforehand, users will be more assured of their decisions.


Adopt New Products Gradually

Another efficient way to introduce new products is by taking a gradual approach. Rather than switching everything in one go, it's wise to start by introducing just one new product at a time, perhaps just a cleanser, serum, moisturizer, or sunscreen, and observing how your skin responds over the course of a week before you add anything else. This can give the skin time to adjust and minimize the risk of an allergic reaction or other unwelcome side effects, making the transition less intimidating for people.


Use Products for Sensitive Skin

An effective way to decrease any worries associated with switching products is to start off by using products designed for sensitive skin like the products at The RYT Skincare. Nowadays, many skincare brands offer items that are created specifically for people with delicate complexions, and most products formulated for sensitive skin usually won’t cause skin problems like redness, acne, breakouts, or irritation. By beginning the transition with a gentler option that caters to those prone to sensitivity, users can be sure they’re making an informed and secure decision that makes sense.


Ultimately, swapping skin care items can be nerve-wracking for many people; yet we believe it is paramount to keeping a healthy, glowing complexion. With the right research and gradual introduction of new products specifically crafted for delicate skin, you’ll rest assured that your switch will lead you to an effective, new skincare routine tailored just for you.

It is essential to bear in mind that discovering an ideal daily routine requires patience and experimentation - a process that may yield immediate results but usually takes time, at least a few weeks. If you are contemplating changing up your skin care routine, regardless of your skin type, whether you have dry skin, oily skin, or sensitive skin, doing some research, reading reviews, and consulting with a board-certified dermatologist or a licensed esthetician like Dr. Dayne can prove immensely beneficial.

Furthermore, it might be advantageous to make gradual modifications by introducing new items into your regimen gradually, one product at a time, with something like the Restore Your Truth Hyaluronic Acid Vitamin C & E Serum, so you may notice how your skin responds.

In conclusion, deciding to switch skin care products is an individualized decision that depends on your own skin’s needs and worries. It is difficult to break out of our comfort zone when trying something unknown, but the advantages of finding a new skincare routine and different products that work for you can be worth it in the long run. Thus, remain open-minded and give new skin care products a try, even if it takes a bit of experimentation.